Just as the rays of the sun between the mighty spruces of primeval forests conjure up a special atmosphere, so can an extraordinary photo of an energetic painting for optimism placed in the Pokljuka primeval forest.
96,00 € – 145,00 € excl. VAT
Just as the rays of the sun between the mighty spruces of primeval forests conjure up a special atmosphere, so can an extraordinary photo of an energetic painting for optimism placed in the Pokljuka primeval forest. It is equipped with a short positive thought to direct our attention to seeing the bigger picture and acting constructively.
You can choose a wall image as a personalized, business gift to someone you want to show respect for and wish to cooperate with in the future.
The investment was supported by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship. The DIGITAL MARKETING VOUCHER investment (creation of a website and online store) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.